Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sneak Peek: The TLC Twins

These are the 'TLC Twins'. I call them that because both of their initials are TLC! They were 2 weeks old at the time of the session. I can't explain how ecstatic I was to find out that I was going to have my first newborn session opportunity - and with twins! It was certainly more difficult than I imagined, these boys knew something was up and they were not going to sleep through it! :-) But what troopers! When they were awake, they appeared happy, content and comfortable. A big thanks to their blessed & tired parents for the opportunity!


Anonymous said...

What amazing pictures! I cannot wait to see the rest. You are awesome. These two little bundles have been such a blessing to thier parents. I wish I could of been there to see the all the comotion of taking these stunning shots.

Anonymous said...

This is Bridget the birthmom of the twins thank you so much for your amazing photos. The boys are a true blessing to me and Candy and Tyler Thanks again